Hello everyone , I hope you are doing well , in this post I will be sharing my writeup for HTB Dynstr machine which was rated as medium level difficulty, starting with the reconnaissance phase we discovered 3 ports ssh, dns and http out of which only http was interesting for us , on the home page we found credentials which would be use for authenticating on making a request to /nic/
which we can find it through gobuster or any other fuzzing tool. We can get command injection in the hostname
parameter and get a reverse shell . From the machine we can get private ssh key of a user from some debug output and in order to login through ssh we needed to a dynamic dns because it was only allowing connection from specific hostname , since ssh was using dns we needed to add A
and PTR
record in order to login and after that we could see that user can run a script as root
user which was using cp
command with a wildcard (*) so we can abuse this and get root.
nmap -p- -sC -sV --min-rate 5000
22/tcp open ssh OpenSSH 8.2p1 Ubuntu 4ubuntu0.2 (Ubuntu Linux; protocol 2.0)
53/tcp open domain ISC BIND 9.16.1 (Ubuntu Linux)
| dns-nsid:
|_ bind.version: 9.16.1-Ubuntu
80/tcp open http Apache httpd 2.4.41 ((Ubuntu))
| http-methods:
|_ Supported Methods: OPTIONS HEAD GET POST
|_http-server-header: Apache/2.4.41 (Ubuntu)
|_http-title: Dyna DNS
Service Info: OS: Linux; CPE: cpe:/o:linux:linux_kernel
On webserver we can see an html page refereing to Dyna DNS or “Dynamic DNS”
Scrolling down a bit we can see few domain names plus credentials
At the end we’ll find a domain name dyna.htb
So let’s add those domain names in /etc/hosts
All those domain lead up to the same page
Maybe we’ll need to fuzz for subdomain so let’s start with dyna.htb
We may need to filter out with 10909 characters
I found nothing so I tried checking any exploits for ISC BIND 9.16.1
, it had an buffer overflow but there was no exploit for it
let’s just fuzz for files and directories using gobuster
This kept giving me errors so I increased the threads to 60 and it worked
Going to nic
, it doesn't show anything
Further fuzzing for files we can see update
Here we get badauth , now remember we found credentials on the home page so let’s use them here , we can authenticate them through curl
And now we get nochg our_vpn_ip
On googling nochg
This resulted in no-ip dynamic dns
so on seeing the response codes
We can see that nochg is telling us that we haven’t supplied a hostname to update so let’s dig deeper on how to update a dns record
So we can update dns record however it needs to be valid so going back to web page where we found potential domain names those are valid
I intercepted the request with burp suite , added a header Authorization : Basic ZHluYWRuczpzbmRhbnlk
where base64 encoded text holds username and password and tried to update either one of the domain name
But kept getting error so I added a random subdomain arz.dnsalisa.htb
This response tells that hostname is updated but we can’t do anything with it so I tried to do command injection
Following this payload list , I was able to confirm command injection
Now to get a shell that would be needed to get url encoded but it’s a pain in doing that so I will first base64 encode the bash reverse shell ,pipe it to decode and then pipe it to bash
Going into bindmgr
's home directory I found some files and one of them was a script
file , a script just records every command you type on the terminal ,so on looking into script file we'll find something interesting
Let’s just put this in a bash script where we would echo the ssh key with -e
which would enable use of escape characters but this didn't work
It turns out it had space between lines so manually had to remove them and then I just used python3 to print the key
But I wasn’t able to login with id_rsa key because there’s host name involved in authroized_keys
Looking at update
file source code we can see nsupdate
being used with a key /etc/bind/ddns.key
I tried to add a domain name but it failed
Eventually I figured out as we needed to use a different key so going to /etc/bind
There’s infra.key
which makes sense that we are adding dns record for infra domain
If we do nslookup on this domain we’ll get a response which means this record has been added which points to our IP
But still we won’t be able to login through ssh as use of dns is enabled as ssh goes through process of reverse dns lookup so domain name is resolving to IP but IP address won’t resolve to domain name so we need to add PTR
record for this purpose
This what I followed in order to add a PTR record also deleted the A
record I added
Here the space is necessary after adding A
record, so now let's try ssh into the machine
Doing sudo -l
we can see that this can run /usr/local/bin/bindmgr.sh
as ALL
meaning we can run this as root
Here it’s checking for .version
file and it's using wildcard *
to copy everything
We can see that .version
is in /etc/
folder so this file will run there
What we can do is create .version
file and add 42
in it as that's what the contents of original file has
Now if we look at that script we can see that first .version
will be checked if the contents of that file is less than or equal to .version
file in /etc/bind/named.bindmgr
so that's why we are going to keep it 42
,next cp
is being used like this cp .version *
, it's going to copy .version file fomr current directory plus everything else so here we can do wildcard injection
So first I’ll copy /bin/bash
to current directory and make it a SUID
Now here the wildcard injection takes place , we are going to abuse it by creating a file named --preserve=mode
what it will do is while copying it will retain the attributes of the files that are in this directory , like bash has SUID so it's going to retain those attributes and copy it to /etc/bind/named.bindmgr
which is owned by root
Now just run the script as sudo
If we go to /etc/bind/named.bindmgr
we'll see that it has bash
as SUID binary
And we have rooted this machine !!!